Invitation code / Affiliate

Affiliate & Invitation Codes Feature on introduces a unique and rewarding "Affiliate & Invitation Codes" system, designed to promote user growth and incentivize active participation. Here's how it works:

  1. Exclusive Access: Registration on is exclusive. New users can only join the platform if they have an invitation code, ensuring a curated and engaged community.

  2. Personalized Invitation Codes: Once a user registers, they are provided with their own unique invitation code. This code can be shared with friends, family, and followers, allowing them to join the platform.

  3. Affiliate Rewards: The invitation code doubles as an affiliate code. This means that users can earn a commission when the people they invite trade NFTs on

  4. Tiered Revenue Share: The more users one invites, the higher the commission they earn from trading fees. The system is structured in levels, with increasing rewards for reaching specific milestones:

    • Level 1: Invite 1 user and earn 5% of trading fees.

    • Level 2: Invite 5 more users (total 6) and earn 10%.

    • Level 3: Invite 10 more users (total 16) and earn 15%.

    • Level 4: Invite 20 more users (total 36) and earn 20%.

    • Level 5: Invite 40 more users (total 76) and earn 25%.

    • Level 6: Invite 80 more users (total 156) and earn 30%.

    • Level 7: Invite 160 more users (total 316) and earn 35%.

    • Level 8: Invite 320 more users (total 636) and earn 40%.

    • Level 9: Invite 640 more users (total 1276) and earn 45%.

    • Level 10: Invite 1280 more users (total 2556) and earn a whopping 50% of trading fees.

  5. Continuous Earnings: The affiliate system is designed for long-term benefits. Users continue to earn commissions from their invitees' trades, creating a passive income stream.

In summary, the Affiliate & Invitation Codes feature on not only promotes platform growth but also rewards users for their contributions to expanding the community. It's a win-win for both the platform and its users.

Last updated